More clouds over Western European forests

Our new article in Nature Communications (lead author Ryan Teuling) presents observational proof of enhanced cloud formation over Western European forests. The related press release of Wageningen University can be found here (in Dutch).

The sketch below, which is explained in detail in the article, shows the complexity of cloud formation over forests and the myriad of processes involved. In the paper, we show that widespread windthrow in Les Landes forest in France by cyclone Klaus in 2009 led to a decrease in cloud cover in the following years. The exact origins of the decrease remain elusive.

Teuling, A.J., Taylor, C.M., Meirink, J.F., Melsen, L.A., Miralles, D.G., van Heerwaarden, C.C. , Vautard, R., Stegehuis, A.I., Nabuurs, G.J. and de Arellano, J.V.G., 2017. Observational evidence for cloud cover enhancement over western European forests. Nature Communications, 8,