Thank you for visiting the blog of my research group. I am Chiel van Heerwaarden. You can read here about the research of our group in hydrometeorology, the field that unifies weather and water.
The goal of the research is to understand the complex interactions between the Earth's surface and atmosphere and their role in weather and climate. Within this broad theme, I focus on the role of atmospheric fluid dynamics in the surface exchange of energy, water, and momentum, as well as in cloud formation.
For my research, I use and develop computer models (MicroHH and CLASS), and combine these with field and satellite observations.
I am also interested in numerical mathematics and coding in general. On this blog, I write about interesting issues I encounter in my pursuit of writing good Python and C++ code for my research. I am a topical editor of Geoscientific Model Development.
Currently, I am an associate professor at the Meteorology and Air Quality Group at Wageningen University, where I teach courses in atmospheric dynamics and numerical modeling.
You can find my publication record on ResearcherID and ORCID, and you can find me on Twitter, ResearchGate and StackOverflow. You can contact me via email.