Shedding light on cloud shadows
Shedding light on cloud shadows (SLOCS) is a project funded by the NWO VIDI scheme. The main aim of SLOCS is to understand the variability in incoming solar radiation due to clouds, and to find physically accurate, yet fast, methods for simulating the variability. SLOCS will make heavily use of the new Ruisdael Observatory, as we will roll out a grid of radiation measurement devices surrounding the CESAR tower in collaboration with the KNMI.
We will i) observe the variability at unprecedented spatial, temporal, and spectral resolution, ii) use our GPU-enabled virtual laboratory MicroHH to develop computationally affordable simulation techniques that capture the observed variability, and iii) validate the newly developed techniques in realistic cloud-resolving simulations, to ensure that the acquired knowledge becomes available to the weather forecasting and solar energy fields. In the last step, we will make use of the Ruisdael Testbed for large-eddy simulations to compare simulations against observational data, and we will collaborate with Whiffle, who kindly provided an in-kind contribution to SLOCS in the form of simulation data.